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The Investigators
It's supposed to give pet owners piece of mind- but does it?
They're supposed to offer peace of mind if your pet is lost-tiny microchips implanted into your dog or cat containing all of your contact information. But what happens if the chip your pet received can't be detected? The Investigators reveal a missing link in pet scanners and tell you what the industry is doing about it.
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We uncover who's looting your luggage
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The Investigators
School speeders caught in the act and confronted by Eyewitness News
Speeding in School Zones. The Investigators are there as local police clock one leadfoot going nearly 60 miles an hour. So how bad is the speeding problem in Rhode Island? Everyone knows the rule, school zone, slow down. But knowing the rule isn't the same as obeying the rule.
The Investigators
We reveal a high tech way to stop cheating
Detecting plagiarism....it hasn't been easy. But, that was the past. Now there's a new system of catching students who cheat on term papers - and it's being used right here
The Investigators
Your children could be exposed to porn on their cell phone
Porn in palm of your hand. There's a chance your teenager will down load pornography on their cell phone. Its a multi-billion dollar business. Now the adult entertainment industry is expanding, from magazines and video, to downloading the internet on your cell phone.
The Investigators
We uncover loophole in airline security
Your call for help might not always get to 911
Rhode Island averages 14-hundred 911 emergency calls a day. More than half from cell phones. But how effective is the state's new tracking system? A lot of us buy cells phones as a lifeline in case
The Investigators
City hall promises to take action after our investigation into tax speculators in Providence
More reaction tonight to an Eyewitness News Investigators exclusive.. We uncovered people losing their homes over back taxes owed the city.. On the heels of our investigation,
The Investigators
We uncover a way to bullet proof your home
Break-ins... Bullets... Even bombs... Getting through glass is usually effortless! B ut now, makers of some new technology say you can 

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The Investigators
We uncover potential delay for firefighters with a new high tech car
If you're in a car accident, you want rescue workers to get you out quickly. But, local firefighters are concerned changing technology could cause a dangerous delay. Hybrid cars mean cleaner air and less dependency on gas, but they also present new dangers for rescue workers and victims at accident scenes.
Metal Toy Jewelry Recall
WASHINGTON, D.C. � In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), four toy jewelry importers today announced the voluntary recall of 150 million pieces of toy jewelry sold in vending machines across America.
The Investigators
We uncover potential problems with Providence's property tax system
Eyewitness News discovers potential problems with the city of Providence's property tax system. The city says it collects a very high percentage of outstanding taxes. We uncovered the system of record keeping can be confusing and misleading- leaving some tax payers not getting their bills and losing their homes. When we asked the city for the names of delinquent taxpayers, several weeks went by before we got a list and quickly learned it was incomplete.
The Investigators
Is a potential danger lurking in your car?
Some may it call it a freak accident, but consumer groups say a child is killed by a power window. In many vehicles there's a danger lurking and some parents may not be aware of it until it's too late.
The Investigators
Tasers: Effective or potentially deadly?
Are taser stun guns really an alternative to deadly force... Or do they pose their own dangers? taser stun guns are the latest weapon of choice for a growing number of police departments around
Only on 12
Could you be driving on expired tires, now some want the government to take action
Many of us may be driving to danger and may not even know it. Experts say tires that look brand new could actually be several years old and fall apart at any moment.
The Investigators
We uncover hidden dangers inside some buildings
You know that rubbery caulking material around windows and brick walls?inside this lab at the harvard school of public health researchers found caulking material used in buildings built between the 50's
The Investigators
Real Estate speculators could be looking to take your home and there's nothing you can do about it
Real estate speculators prowl the tax rolls looking for property owners who owe money. They buy up everything in sight, leaving many families facing the possibility of losing their homes.  
Special Report: Fighting parking tickets in Newport
Now, it's easier than ever for you to fight parking tickets in one local community. Have you ever felt like you received a parking ticket by mistake or didn't deserve it? Well, now the city of Newport offers an option for disputing that ticket- and you don't have to spend a day in traffic court.
Only on Eyewitness News
Plunder Dome figure Pannone released from prison
The 81-year old Pannone did not want to talk. Joe Pannone was a key figure in the Plunder Dome corruption case. He was chairman of Providence board of tax assaement review when he was arrested along with
Local store closed due to safety concerns
Safety risk outside some local homes
Exclusive: We catch school buses speeding with your children on board
We uncover a potential problem for minivan owners
Exclusive: City worker suspended after what went on inside a local home
Sex in the city: The oldest profession moving indoors
We uncover a hidden danger in pop-up campers
Could beauty products cause cancer?
We uncover lead danger in your dinnerware
Cop selling videotape on how to beat a DUI
City Limits: Providence city employees caught breaking residency rules
We uncover problems with elevator inspections in Rhode Island
Are you giving directions to danger?
Driving Away Your Rights
Exclusive: Brown University out of millions dollars after never using donation
Exclusive: We crack the case of the missing money at the Providence Police
Beauty School in trouble with the state now closed
Local park becomes a car dealership as over a hundred new cars left in park parking lot
Local Teens caught up in drug cocktailing
Providence Police officer on administrative leave
Are students at Brown University Locked In?
City still owed over a million bucks for police details
Why the long wait at the registry? It could be the equipment
Exclusive: Battle over public safety brewing between two mayors
Prescriptions without Prescriptions
First Cranston, now Eyewitness News uncovers the cost for crossing guards
Exclusive: We uncover why all sex offenders are not registered in Rhode Island
Exclusive: We reveal the highest paid city officials on the Providence Payroll
City Limits: More high paid city officials found not living in Providence
Mayor reacts from our undercover investigation

Inside Eyewitness News
Investigators Archive
Read some of the best Eyewitness News Investigators reports.
Jack White
Jack White is Eyewitness News' Investigative Reporter and host of the public affairs show Newsmakers. He's a Pulitzer Prize and Emmy award winning reporter who has worked at three newspapers, two television
Susan Hogan
Susan Hogan is the "Call for Action Problem Solver" on Eyewitness News Live at 5:00 and 11:00. Susan has earned three emmy nominations for her consumer reporting. Her continued commitment to solving problems
Sean Daly
Sean Daly is veteran TV newsman whose face and voice are familiar throughout Southern New England. He joined the Eyewitness news team in April, 2002 and immediately began contributing to the station�s
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