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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  January 4, 2005
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The Investigators
We uncover just how many sick days local teachers get and the amount of days will surprise you
Teachers getting so many sick days - they could take off an entire school year. Some of them even get cash for the days they don't use. And it's all with your tax dollars. The Warwick school
The Investigators
We uncover Providence elected officials getting multiple city pensions
City workers are eligible for a pension after working 10 years. But we've found elected officials in Providence get that and much more. Some of them get not only one pension but two or three all for
The Investigators
Update: Brown University finally fills an endowment to keep millions of dollars
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- Brown University waited nine years to fill a professorship endowed by a family trust that has sued the university over the matter. The appointment of Alfred Buxton, 57, as the
A shortage of probation officers in Rhode Island could lead to a safety risk
Exclusive: We uncover a security risk at a local courthouse
Controversy over product that allows anyone to change red lights to green from their car
Exclusive: Local assisted Living center in trouble with state health department
House linked to Providence Councilwoman sold and family makes hefty profit
Government responds to Cianci's appeal request
New details- fines leveled against political campaigns
Eyewitness News uncovers taxpayer money wasted by Parks Department
Local Tow Companies Could Be Dropped From State Police Tow List All Due To Plunder Dome
Eyewitness News Uncovers More Elected Officials and Candidates May Not Have Had Workers Comp Insurance
Several Political Campaigns Under Investigation For Not Carrying Workers Comp. Insurance
Only on Eyewitness News: Providence PD Plan To Have Bars Pay For Protection Not Going Over Well
State Owned SUV's Investigation
Benefits Denied
A Home Linked To Providence Councilwoman Up For Sale
Civic Center Authority Members Getting Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Free Tickets
Arena Authority Members Get First Shot At Hundreds Of Concert Tickets, Before Anyone Else
Head Of Arena Authority Resigns After Eyewitness News Exclusive Investigation
Providence City Worker Arraigned On Embezzlement Charges
Is Megan's Law Working In Rhode Island?
New Developments Concerning A Low-Income House Linked To A Providence Councilwoman
More On Our Investigation Into Phone Taping At New Public Safety Complex
Only On Eyewitness News: We Reveal Secret Phone Recordings At New Public Safety Complex
The Plunder Dome Tapes: Part Six, David Ead On Tape
The Plunder Dome Tapes: Part Five, Pannone On Tape
The Plunder Dome Tapes: Part Four, It Isn't Necessary
The Plunder Dome Tapes: Part Three, Corrente And A Bribe
The Plunder Dome Tapes: Part Two, More Of The Former Mayor Caught On Tape
The Plunder Dome Tapes: Part One, Cianci Caught On Tape
Could Budget Cuts Affect Restaurant Inspections
Retirement Board Delays Action On Prignano's Pension
Judge Recuses Himself In Cianci Case
City Looking At What Happened To Money At City Owned Facility
Is There A Shortage Of Providence Rescue Squads?
Eyewitness News Uncovers A DUI Loophole In Rhode Island
Jack White Uncovers Teamster Official's Arrest
Exclusive Investigation: Did The City Council President Use Influence To Get A Low Income Home?
Investigation into the use of dangerous vans to transport children
New Details On Crowne Victoria Police Cruisers
Plunder Dome Exclusive Involving Former Mayor Buddy Cianci
Eyewitness News Exclusive Investigation: New Questions in Wendy Collins' Past

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