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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  November 14, 2004
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The Investigators
We uncover Providence elected officials getting multiple city pensions
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City workers are eligible for a pension after working 10 years.   But we've found elected officials in Providence get that and much more.  Some of them get not only one pension but two or three all for the same job and you are paying for it. 

One of the potential beneficiaries of two pensions is imprisoned former Mayor Buddy Cianci.  The question is-- why should a Providence politician get two or three pensiokns for the same job.

The active elected city officials wo are eligible for the special, second pension can be found in the council chambers at city hall.

One this occassion, Mayor David Cicilline delivered his recent budget address, a plan for cutting spending and stabilizing taxes.

At the time of the budget address, Cicilline and 12 council members were we all part of what is known as the exclusive elected officials pension plan.

It works this way:

elected officials contribute $350 a year.

The official is eligible after eight years.

A beneficiary must reach the age of 52 or have 20 years of service before collecting.

The maximum an official can collect is $7,000 a year for life.

 "That's in addition to the regular city retirement plan that everyone else gets."

"Why should elected officials in P rovidence have two pensions?

Well, again, this is something that is allowed under the law. In lieu of of some of the other benefits, Jack. It's certainly something that makes sense it stands to reason. We have fulltime responsibilities."

"Lombardi, who is enrolled in the plan, says council members do not get get vaction or bereavement days."

But they do get benefits;

council members are paid $18,700 a year.

The council president and majority and minority leaders get $21,000.

They all get free health care.

The special pension plan, which went into effect long before any of the active officials took office, is not a budget buster.

There are 18 officials contributing to the plan but not yet collecting, including former mayor joseph paolino.

There are 25 former officials who are collecting, including former mayor joseph doorley.

The total cost of the plan for the fiscal year ending last june was almost $122-thousand dollars.

Three active council members are not in the plan... This member opted out five years ago,

 "I didn't feel comfortable with it. I don't think you should receive two pensions for the same job. You can't talk about reforming the sysytem if you have something that is a special pensions."

mayor cicilline said when he became aware he was enrolled in the special pension plan he withdrew immediatley. That happened last week.

Former Mayor Buddy Cianci would be eligible to collect the maximum $7,000 a year from the special pension.

But he cannot collect any pension benefit until his plunder dome corruption conviction appeal is decided.

According to city records, two council members are eligible for three pensions.

John Lombardi and councilwoman Josephine Diruzzo are both former city employees and members of the laborers international union pension fund which represents city workers in Providence.


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