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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  January 14, 2005
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The Investigators
Your children could be exposed to porn on their cell phone
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Porn in palm of your hand. There's a chance your teenager will down load pornography on their cell phone. Its a multi-billion dollar business. Now the adult entertainment industry is expanding, from magazines and video, to downloading the internet on your cell phone.

Welcome to the next level of pornography- downloading porn on your cell phone. It can happen if you have a picture phone. There are services that offer subscribers a menu of risque pictures, stories and video that can be downloaded to your handheld computer or mobile phone. And a target for cell porn...teenagers.

"I think its our job as parents to know what our kids are doing."

Teenagers can find porn accidentally while trying to downlad games on their cell phones. Even using search engines and typing in free games, you can be linked to web sites for live sex and porn images.

Robin Kall has two teenagers.

"I think I'm outraged that its downloadable at all."

People can create inappropriate websites and give names to their websites that don't get filtered. Computer experts like Mark Levvaser say porn is all too easy to access. Search engines use sort material based on site popularity, not content. Parents should make sure they have a good filtering system on their computers, that won't allow teenagers to down load porn.

"People have to know what their service provider is giving them for filtering."

Experts say as the picture quality improves and internet connection speeds get better, you'll have triple x images anytime, nywhere. Thats why parental supervision is a must. Most porn sites require age verification when using a credit card. Experts also say, don't give your teen a cell phone that has internet access.

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