Special Report: Fighting parking tickets in Newport
Now, it's easier than ever for you to fight parking tickets in one local community. Have you ever felt like you received a parking ticket by mistake or didn't deserve it? Well, now the city of Newport offers an option for disputing that ticket- and you don't have to spend a day in traffic court.
�When someone gets a parking ticket they don't think they deserve, they come into the police station and complain about it"
That's why Sergeant Dvorak is trying to change the rules. Now, if you want to challenge a parking ticket in the city by the sea, you can mail your ticket in for review:
�We�ve actually increased the due process by adding a 3rd step of error checking�
Dvorak says he reviews about three thousand tickets a year, and can often void tickets issued by mistake.
"It's a way of being heard without taking a day out of work to go to court"
The inspiration came from a colleague whose daughter received a parking ticket in San Diego, where they are already using the system.
"It helps everybody, it greatly reduces the case load in municipal court, and they�ve had significantly fewer parking ticket pleadings of not guilty�
So far Sergeant Dvorak says the program has been well received by the community, and motorists appreciate their chance to be heard.