The Investigators
Is a potential danger lurking in your car?
Some may it call it a freak accident, but consumer groups say a child is killed by a power window.
In many vehicles there's a danger lurking and some parents may not be aware of it
until it's too late.
Power windows have killed at least seven children this year-the victims accidently leaning on a switch and sending the window up on their necks. This is what happened to little Zoe.
�Zoe leaned...Zoe's gone"
And, this past June, a three year old Dallas girl was strangled in the window of a Ford truck Her mother was sitting in the driver's seat when the window went up.
Pediatrician Lynne Palmisciano sees children with crush injuries to hands from windows on a regular basis, but she says they are the lucky ones..
�Certainly the most tragic results.....unable to lower window, most of the victims between two and six years old.�
Consumer advocates have long fought for changes in American made cars. Some already have the lever type switches most foreign cars have- the difference ia that these are impossible to activate unless a finger is placed underneath it.
�It's just commom sense�
Senator Lincoln Chafee is on board with new regulations that will mandates safer switches in all vehicles on or after October 1, 2008
But, is it good enough- with that mandate being four years away? The concern is that they'll still be plenty of vehicles made with the dangerous switches..
Palmisciano says parents should never leave little ones alone in a car for even a second.