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The Investigators
Cop selling videotape on how to beat a DUI
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The officer says it's the perosn just casually going to the liquor store picking up a bottle of wine for the night - that's the audience he's targetting with this video.

He is no longer on the police force, just making his living selling the tape, but not without its critics it's a new how-to-video that's causing controversy and raging reaction...

 "He's no more than a prostitute" 

A former Tennessee police officer telling you how to avoid a d-u-i charge. He says the educational tool is designed to inform you about the laws not to condone illegal behavior.

But try telling that to Meg and John Decubelis.

"What's his possible reason other than to make money of putting out this video"

"It's really an underhanded and slimy message to me"

The Narraganset couple watched the video... Memories of their little girl killed by a drunk driver still fresh in their minds. Nearly 5 years ago, 13-year old Katie was killed by a drunk driver...her mother sees this video as a disservice to the hundreds of victims...and to people who feel with these tips it's o-k to drive drunk.

"Those are the people that get involved in a crash, becoming involved or killling someone"

The couple is now teaches others about the dangers of drunk driving...even using videos of their own.

"What we're trying to accomplish with our video is very different we're tyring to educate"

"The Decubeliss' are not alone...mother against drunk driving have voiced their opposition to the tapes..but many people find the value in the video agreeing with the officer that it will help the casual drinker make smarter decisions. "use a designated driver..oh that's smart, that's a good thing"

The couple say some tips are useful but find others confusing even laughable at times. John Decubellis says people should save their money and call him for advice instead.

"I will give you a 100% guarentee fool proof way of not being caught...don't drink and they get behind wheel of a motor vehicle and drive"

The officer says people will drink and they just may drive so why not arm them with information. His next dui tape - trageted toward laywers.

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