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The Investigators
School speeders caught in the act and confronted by Eyewitness News
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Speeding in School Zones. The Investigators are there as local police clock one leadfoot going nearly 60 miles an hour. So how bad is the speeding problem in Rhode Island? Everyone knows the rule, school zone, slow down. But knowing the rule isn't the same as obeying the rule.

In West Greenwich recently, Eyewitness News was there as the police pulled over driver after driver after driver - all caught speeding in a school zone in the middle of the day.

"The reason I stopped you is 50 mph in a 35 mph school zone. The flashing lights are to alert drivers that the posted speed during school hours is 35 mph."

But signs and flashing lights aren't enough. Most of the drivers the police pulled over claimed they didn't see either the flashing lights or the signs.

"Do you think about safety, danger, children? Yes. But what? I was just following traffic, it's a wide road, I wasn't thinking there was a school in the area. Didn't see the school zone sign? Flashing lights? 35 miles an hour? I didn't, I totally missed it."

The various sob stories the police hear are a sobering reality check. Many drivers are more concerned about just getting there, not getting there safely.

�One of the things I'm most concerned about at the beginning and the end of the school day is students getting into the building safely because I'm always worried about the speeding cars.�

�Officer, do you think it's a futile effort to try to slow people down in this revved up world?"

"It's trying. I've stopped numerous speeders, and the more I stop, the more I see."

�Realistically, do you expect any change, now or ever?"

"No, it's been this way since there's been driving. It's just human nature to speed.�

We even spoke with one woman who once was injured by a speeding driver, and still speeds herself. One of far too many lessons, NOT learned.

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