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 May 3, 2005
UN Ambassador
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Hagel says he might vote against Bush nominee if more accusations surface

WASHINGTON (AP) _ A top Senate Republican is raising the possibility that he might vote against President Bush's choice for U-N ambassador.

Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel said he's "troubled" by descriptions of the combative management style of nominee John Bolton. He says he currently plans to support Bolton. But Hagel hints that vote could depend on whether more allegations surface about the nominee's alleged harassment of analysts who disagree with him.

Hagel tells C-N-N the U-S needs a "uniter" at the United Nations. He's the number-two Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is expected to vote on the Bolton nomination this week.

Meanwhile, Senator Joe Biden, the committee's top Democrat, says Bolton lacks credibility for the job -- and could undermine U-S influence.

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