Congress wants U-N refugee agency to better protect women
Friday,May23,2003,11:34 PM
Capitol Hill-AP -- There are times when aid workers do more harm than good. A congressional report says (m) millions of women and children fleeing the world's conflicts end up in refugee camps where sexual abuse is pervasive, and sometimes it is relief workers who are abusing them.
Women and children account for about 80 percent of an estimated 12 (m) million refugees worldwide.
The General Accounting Office says sexual abuse of female refugees is pervasive. It says the U-N refugee agency should overhaul the system it uses to train and deploy staff.
The U-N agency says it has already taken steps to address the problem, but its efforts have been hindered by budget cuts.
Delaware Senator Joe Biden has introduced legislation to spend 90 (m) million dollars over the next two years to make refugee camps safer and to train relief workers.
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