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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  January 8, 2005
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Government E-Auctions
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E-Bay has some stiff competition! Government e-auction is the latest place to find great deals on all kinds of items up for bid- jewelry, cars, and even homes are all on the auction block and just a click away!

Karen Lenahan, Consumer

"I'm addicted to the site!"

Karen Lenahan admits it, she's hooked on internet auctions.


"I've bought about 200 items, maybe more, this is one of my better deals, it's a Longines men's watch, 14 karat gold! "

She paid just $60. But not on ebay. Karen's checking out government e-auctions where police departments, cities and towns, even federal agencies, put items up for bid!

Casey Coleman, www.firstgov.gov

"There's a wide spectrum of items available for auction from the federal government."

Casey Coleman is with www.firstgov.gov , the government's central auction site, it features goods from the IRS, Defense Department, US Marshals Service, and other agencies. What's up for grabs? Just about everything! Personal property, real estate, used cars, boats, recreation vehicles, time shares. And on www.stealitback.com, an e-auction site, you'll find confiscated or unclaimed goods from police departments across the country- the stuff is stored in huge warehouses.


"More tv's, more transformers, sporting goods, radios, walkman's, items are going up on our site! "

That's where Karen Lenahan finds most of her treasures.


"This 1906 doll, I paid 10 dollars for her and she's worth about $1300, this is my Nieman Marcus jacket, it's $279, still with the price tag attached, I paid $40!

The watchdog group, citizens against government waste says the auctions aren't all they could be, because the government often sells items well below their worth, cheating taxpayers out of potential savings. But for the people who actually buy this stuff- they don't care because it's all about the bargain!

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