If you've seen this thing on TV it looks pretty cool, you place your egg into the Eggstractor and out pops your peeled egg! But is this product all that it's cracked up to be? We find out...Does It Work?
On a busy corner in
Bristol�s downtown is the Hope Diner...for more than 20 years they've been feeding tourists and townies. On today's menu? Egg salad. That is if this newest product the Eggstractor works! Lorene Silva cooked up a dozen hard boiled eggs and is ready to put the Eggstractor to the test.
Lorene Silva
�It looks easy on TV, but we'll find out today how easy it is!�
Instructions seem fairly easy.
Lorene Silva
"Tap the small end of egg several times. Crack the large end by tapping on the table a few times. Small end is up. Place Eggstractor over egg. Criss cross hands over top and give one fast push.
Ok, that's not that easy to do"
Lorene tries it again.
Lorene Silva
"Give one good fast push. Nothing!"
And again
�One fast push�
And again
�Ok, ready?!
We got just the yolk.
Lorene Silva
�The egg is in the shell! We're not having any luck today."
We had hope the diners customers give it a try...and even they couldn't get this thing to work.
After wasting one dozen hard boiled eggs...we've concluded that the Eggstractor isn't exactly all that the commercial claims it's cracked up to be.
"So, I don't think we'll be seeing the Eggstractor here?"
"Not in the hope diner, I�ll stick to the old fashioned hands!"
The instructions even come with a "trouble shooting guide", we did exactly what we were supposed to do...and still...nothing. Not to mention, it�s not easy to use. Lorene gives the Eggstractor a 1 of 12...ouch!