The Ove Glove
Tired of being burned? The Ove Glove claims to withstand extreme heat up to 480 degrees! Is this claim too hot to handle? Or does it work?
Things are heating up at Krazy Corner Deli as lunch time closes in Newton Price is in high gear serving up freshly baked bagels!
Newton Price:
�So Molly gets a good work out.
So this is Molly?"
Molly the oven, and Newton are quite a team, but she can get overheated.
"Is she usually good to you?"
�Any scaring?"
�Couple of burns, but being a baker you get used to that."
But Newton is ready to turn in his fire fighter heavy duty gloves for these the Ove Glove.
"So you got this, these look a little bit prettier." �Prettier doesn't always get the job done."
The Ove Glove is supposed to extend the time you can handle a hot object in your hands. So, we set the temp to over 400 degrees and minutes later.
"You�re going to get a lot of heat right now; Molly's a very warm young lady."
Out comes the rack and Newton is still holding on.
No problem! You can feel some heat, but wowowowo, the longer you hold on."
The hotter your hands heat up just under 30 seconds before Newton needs to let go.
Oh, that's bubbling hot and I don't feel a thing."
And scalding hot soup right out of the microwave no match for the ove glove.
�They�re comfortable, a little dainty though. �Yeah, you don't look too manly in those yellow and white gloves. (laugh out)�
Ok, so they may not be the most attractive looking things, but they do the job. One criticism, the company only provides one glove per box and you really need two. And it's not cheap, about $16. The 'ove glove' warns it is not waterproof and should not be used if it becomes wet, and hot liquids will penetrate it, causing burns. So Newton gives the "ove glove" a 10 out of 12.