"Personal Information" Released
Since this story aired, we have received dozens of emails and calls from consumers all looking for more information about this story. . Call for Action checked out this email that has everyone outraged, and tonight we have the answer for you...it's an answer you may not like.
Take a look at this email, look familiar? it says your personal credit information goes public starting July first!
Jim Mullen
" It's just not the case.."
Call for Action asked the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Southern New England to check it out...
"I had a client of mine call me a couple of weeks ago who had gotten an email similar to this and someone from her office had also gotten an email."
Call For Action has learned that it is true. As of July 1st, credit bureaus will be selling your information to anyone who requests it, like telemarketing companies..but they are not releasing your credit information as the email claims. So who is sending the email..we still don't know..but the email does include a legitimate telephone number to call to "opt out" of the release of your personal information.. So who are you calling...believe it or not..the credit bureaus themselves. . So here's the deal...as you know your name is a commodity and it's sold to telemarketing companies, financial institutions, the list goes on. . And now the credit bureaus want to get in on the act and sell your name as well. There's nothing illegal about it, as long as they allow you the option of denying the release of your name, which they do. . For more information on this story, call for action has provided you a link to the federal trade commission. .