NU-TRAIN'S SURVIVAL SERIES: Help! I�m Trapped in a Meeting
Heather Greenbaum, R.D., nu-train
NU-TRAIN'S SURVIVAL SERIES: Help! I�m Trapped in a Meeting, Eating All Day: Tips and strategies for surviving a working breakfast, lunch and dinner�
Some pointers to keep in mind before you enter the Board Room
- The most important thing to remember during meeting-marathons is that you need to be able to focus on the task at hand-- work. Food should benefit your ability to think clearly and function efficiently; it should not serve as a distraction or a detriment.
- �Eating to work� means that you are making choices that will best maintain your hunger levels and stress levels. You�ll notice that your overall mood will improve if your body is working efficiently. Eventually you�ll realize that by removing the stress associated with bad food choices your work day becomes a bit easier to manage.
- Do not let yourself get too hungry throughout the work day, this only leads to bad decisions, insatiability and an inability to focus. It is okay to have a snack if you need one, even one in the morning and afternoon. Tackling a conference table full of cookies and pastries is a lot easier if you are not famished
- �Sneaking� a Pria� Bar between meetings may just get you through. So, if possible, keep a �survivor pack� (see below) full of healthful �go-to�s� for those times when you are in a pinch.
- Do not let yourself get too full at any meal. Your body will have to work overtime to digest and stay attentive at the same. Remember, you�ll eat again soon, you do not need to �load up for the day� at breakfast.
- When in a meeting over lunch or dinner, remember to eat slowly; the meal is not a race. The �business� part of the meeting will probably last over an hour, so should the food.
- Sometimes it is important not to draw attention to your diet and your food choices. It can serve as a distraction to you and those who are compelled to stare at your plate. You�ll be amazed how easy it is to be subtle and healthful at the same time.
- Often times the only way to handle the all-day-buffet- type conference is to focus on your daily caloric intake as opposed to balancing carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This approach is necessary when there is only one food option provided at a meal and it�s simply time for lunch -- you just have to work with what�s on your plate.
Provided by Healther Greenbaum, a Registered Dietician (RD) specializing in the interrelation between eating habits, metabolism, and lifestyle. Visit nu-train for more tips and tricks and sign up for her monthly newsletter.