Congressmen say airport security unimproved
CAPITOL HILL Airport screening is reportedly no better than it was before Nine-Eleven. The head of the House aviation subcommittee says two government reports coming out soon say as much. Congressman John Mica (MY'-kuh) of Florida says a lot of people will be shocked after all the money that's been spent.
Mica says he's been briefed on the reports by the Government Accountability Office and Homeland Security, as has Congressman Peter DeFazio of Oregon.
DeFazio says the common finding is that no set of screeners, private or public, is performing anywhere near the level he thinks is needed.
DeFazio doubts things will improve until screeners get state-of-the-art technology like that on Capitol Hill and in the White House.
The acting inspector general at Homeland Security says there are also problems with training, management and policy.
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