Special Cooking Oil Blend Helps Men Lose Weight
A particular blend of cooking oils seems to help men shed fat and weight, says a Canadian study.
Researchers at McGill School of Dietetics in Montreal found that a group of men lost an average of 1 pound over a 27-day period while using the special blend of oils. Oddly, women using the same blend of oils didn't lose any weight.
During the study, the men ate a normal diet.
The blend includes mostly tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil, along with some olive oil and flaxseed oil, BBC News Online reports.
The McGill researchers say this particular blend of oils travels directly to the liver and is burned up there.
This so-called "functional oil" contains fats called medium chain triglycerides. Conventional cooking oils contain fats called long chain triglycerides.
-- Robert Preidt
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