Robb Garofalo
Robb was born in Connecticut and raised in Narragansett, RI. A graduate of Narragansett High School and Fairleigh Dickinson University, he began his career in television as an intern in the sports department at WJAR. Two years later, he was hired as the sports producer.
Robb spent 6 years at WJAR, before joining the Eyewitness Sports team in October of 2002. Moving from a "behind the scenes" role to in front of the camera has been challenging, but well worth it.
Robb is often asked what his biggest thrill has been since he�s been working in the sports field. People are shocked when he tells them the fact that he gets paid to attend/cover sporting events is enough for him. Robb is a guy with simple tastes, really.
Robb was married in 2000, and lives in Rhode Island with his wife Teresa, son Michael, and daughter Allie.