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 April 8, 2005
Teens Suicide
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The following is for release at 4 p-m, Eastern time Study: asking teens about suicide doesn't plant the idea in their minds

CHICAGO (AP) _ Researchers say there's no reason to fear that asking teens about suicide will make them more likely to contemplate it.

In fact, it might work the other way.

A new study finds that asking troubled students about any suicidal impulses appears to ease their distress, and might make some of them less likely to try killing themselves.

According to national data -- each year, more than three (m) million people between the ages of 15 and 19 think seriously about committing suicide. About one-point-seven (m) million try it, and about 16-hundred succeed. More than half of the attempts require medical attention.

Researchers say it can be hard to pick up on suicidal thoughts without asking directly.

The study is in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

(The above is for use after 4 p-m, Eastern time)

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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