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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  December 31, 2004
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State Department warns more terror attacks could happen in Saudi Arabia
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STATE DEPARTMENT The State Department is issuing a new warning about Saudi Arabia, saying there could be more terror attacks there in the coming days.

The warning comes a day after militants blasted their way onto the grounds of the U-S consulate in Jidda. That building and the American embassy in Riyadh are getting ready to reopen soon.

To bolster security in Jidda, the Pentagon is sending an antiterror team that usually includes about 50 Marines.

Meanwhile, there are more details about the consulate attack. Officials say some employees tell them they were taken hostage and used as human shields.

Five foreign staffers were killed and two Americans were injured in the violence.

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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