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 October 18, 2003
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FCC's Powell: We'll enforce do not call list....
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Washington-AP -- The head of the Federal Communications Commission is now promising to put force behind the national do-not-call registry beginning this Wednesday. Chairman Michael Powell says his agency will act as enforcer since the Federal Trade Commission is prevented from doing so under a pair of rulings by federal judges.

Powell says "F-C-C rules have not been disturbed by recent court cases." In a statement, Powell says the agency will enforce the rules even as the courts continue to consider the matter.

More than 50 (m) million telephone numbers have been submitted by people who don't want calls from telemarketers.

The Direct Marketing Association, representing more than 70 percent of the telemarketing industry, asked its members last week to abide by the list.

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Michael Powell headshot, as FCC Chairman, photo on black

On the Net:

FCC: www.fcc.gov

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