Iraq Council Member Shot
Sunday,September21,2003,11:05 AM
Baghdad, Iraq-AP -- Coalition authorities are counting on information from Iraqi citizens as they search for suspects in yesterday's shooting of a prominent politician. Aquila al-Hashimi (ah-KEE'-lah ahl HAH'-shee-mee) was shot by six gunmen near her Baghdad home. Her attackers escaped.
One of three women members of the 25-member Governing Council, al-Hashimi is listed in critical but stable condition at a military hospital following a second operation.
Today, a British adviser to Iraqi police called the attack "cowardly." Douglas Brand is asking local residents to provide information to police or coalition forces.
Governing Council President Ahmad Chalabi (AHK'-mahd SHAH'-lah-bee) is blaming forces loyal to Saddam Hussein for the attack.
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