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 May 14, 2005
Senior Citizen Scam
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Seniors in Rhode island are being warned about a very frightening scam.
A local man got a phone call from someone claiming to have important medicare information...and then tries to set up an appointment.
It's a scarey thought about what this scam artist was really trying to do.

Seniors in Rhode Island watch out..
Call for Action has learned about a scam that targets..who else..senior citizens.

"Well, Saturday night I was sitting home watching TV and the phone rang.."

Bob O'Neill was targeted..but fortunately savvy enough to not get roped in...

"They were talking about the new book coming out for Medicare.."
This is the book the scam artist claims to have and wants to hand deliver it to you to help explain your healthcare benefits... They even try to set up an appointment.

"He said is it just you and your wife...I said yup..he said when is the best time for us to deliver this pamphlet to you? i said well why can't you send it to me? he said no, we want to hand deliver this thing to make sure you got it!"

Investigators are fearful that the scam artists may actually be trying to gain access into your home when your not there.

"Well it is very alarming for older people because first of all many of them do live alone"

The Department of Elderly Affairs is worried that many seniors may fall for this scam because many are confused about their benefits..
But there is no legitimate group they know of offering free advice and a house call.

. If you do want the medicare information booklet you can get it by calling "Medicare and You 2003" (800)633-4227 . Seniors who get the pitch for the publication should contact the police.
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