Nana's Cornbread Dressing
Recipe shared by Vicki Wicker.
2 pans of cooked cornbread (6" or 8" Round)
3-5 loaves of bread (soaked in water or stock)
5 quarts of stock (chicken or turkey)
1 12oz-16oz package of seasoned stuffing crumbs
2 stacks of saltine crackers
3lb onions, diced (less or more if desired)
10 celery stalks, diced (less or more if desired)
5 eggs
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in large bowl. I find that the hands are the best mixer for this one. The final product should be very moist so that it won't be too dry when cooked. You may find that you need add more stock or more bread to get the product to the right consistency.
Pour the mixture into 13 x 9 baking baking pans bake at 375 for 45min to 1 hour or until the top is browned and the center is set.
Optional Additions:
1. Make 1 pan of dressing using 3lbs of hot pork sausage (this is favorite in our family).
2. Make 1 pan of dressing by putting a layer of oysters in the middle of the dressing.
**Helpful hints from Vicki: 1. Throughout the year save breads and rolls that have not yet molded, but you would normally throw away in the freezer. These can be used rather than fresh bread.
2. Chicken and or turkey stock made through the year may also be saved in the freezer as well.
3. I would not call this recipe an exact science. You have to play with the mixture to get it to your liking. These hints will save you time and money when the holidays roll around.