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 March 18, 2005
Developed Countries Still Carry Greatest Cancer Burden
Health Tip: Hair Loss in Women
Battle of the Sexes a Matter of Perception
New Vaccine Boosts Prostate Cancer Survival
Petition Cites Rare Reactions to Ibuprofen
More Americans Getting Hooked on Hookahs
Barry Bonds Admitted He Used Substances: Report
New Treatment for Overactive Bladder Wins Approval
Breast Cancer Genes Tied to Other Malignancies
Experts: PSA Test Still Valuable for Prostate Cancer Screening
Supplement May Melt Belly Fat in Seniors
Caminiti's Death Puts Spotlight on Steroids
New Drugs Slow Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer Survival Rates Continue to Climb
Chlamydia Linked to Infertility in Men
Fast-Rising PSA Levels Signal Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Early Radiation Therapy Extends Prostate Cancer Survival
Men Have Biological Clocks, Too
Cancer Survival Rates Up
PSA Test Flunks Out

Health Encyclopedia: Men's Health
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Immunizations - Child
Prostate Cancer Screening
Inguinal Hernia
The Immune System
Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate (TURP)
Hair Loss
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