Interview Like A Champion
Interviewing is like being selected to compete in the Olympics: you have outperformed hundreds or thousands of competitors and are down to the final round. You are now competing with the best of the best. How can you leave with the gold? Here are keys to making your interview a day for the champion.
Handling Illegal Interview Questions
Federal law attempts to ensure that candidates are hired on job qualifications and not by prejudicial criteria. Questions structured to obtain information on race, gender, religion, marital status, age, physical and/or mental status, ethnic background, country of origin, sexual preference, or any other discriminatory factor are generally illegal as grounds for making employment decisions.
Make a Great Impression
Some things may have changed about job hunting, but how you present yourself in an interview is not one of them. Despite the rosy employment picture, you are probably not going to be hired until a company has a conversation with you and decides you're the best person for the job.
Make Your Cover Letter Count
Not including a cover letter with your resume�even when you submitted it online�is passing up a key opportunity to sell your skills. A recent nationwide survey by Accountemps found that 60 percent of executives believe the cover letter is either as important as or more critical than the resume.
Why Self-Promotion Is the Key to Success
We hear over and over that networking is a critical component to any successful job search. By now you know that you've got to get out and meet new people to find the best leads. But there's something else that goes hand in hand with networking: Self-promotion is a crucial element to your success in finding a job, moving up to a better one and negotiating a raise.