Rhode Island guardsman helps send a sweet treat to Iraq
(AP) -- Students at a middle school in Tallahassee, FL are getting generous with their candy. Students at Fairview Middle School wrapped candy in plastic bags and shipped two cartons to a Rhode Island National Guard helicopter pilot for distribution to Iraqi children.
The candies are being dropped in Baghdad and surrounding areas with messages such as "America Loves You." Teacher Jennifer Simmons says it's a friendly hello from Americans.
The project ties in with a school requirement that every student complete three hours of community service.
Brian Trapani, a Rhode Island National Guardsman who has been dropping "candy bombs" donated by others, has e-mailed to say the first box is already empty. His only cautionary note is "No Chocolate." It melts too easily in transit and in the desert heat.
"Thank you for sending the candy bombs to me," Trapani wrote. "Love the notes of support from your sixth graders -- they are a wonderful tribute to cultures working together to make a better world."
Sarah Pace liked the feeling of goodwill her class spread. "It really made me feel better because I knew I was helping a lot of people in Iraq who were needy and didn't have a lot of stuff," she said. "I thought it would be good to help somebody."