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Nurse behind Minnesota flu shot scare says she's innocent
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MINNEAPOLIS A nurse who allegedly ran an unauthorized flu shot clinic at a Minnesota college says she had permission from an administrator to be there.

Michelle Torgerson called a news conference today, saying she wanted to explain what happened two weeks ago at Augsburg College in Minneapolis.

Torgerson says she sold vaccine left over from clinics she had run in the past. She also says the vaccine was wholesome and that she did not dilute it.

About three dozen students and staff received flu shots from her, before school officials say she abruptly left after being questioned. She was arrested on suspicion of theft and drug possession, but no charges have been filed.

There have been no reports of illness.

Torgerson and her lawyer won't name the administrator who gave her permission to run the clinic.

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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