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Entertainment: 'Ocean's Twelve' rustles up No. 1 debut with $40.9 million
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LOS ANGELES The star-studded "Ocean's Twelve" is number one at the weekend box office.

The robbery caper debuted with nearly 41 (m) million dollars, swiping the top spot from another heist hit, "National Treasure." It slipped to third place with ten (m) million dollars.

Debuting in second is "Blade: Trinity," the third installment in Wesley Snipe's vampire series. According to studio estimates, it opened with 16 (m) million dollars.

Holiday flicks round out the top five, with "Polar Express" in fourth followed by "Christmas With the Kranks."

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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