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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  December 28, 2004
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New digital fingerprint scans expand to border crossings in Arizona, California
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NOGALES, Ariz. So far, no complaints from foreigners entering the United States from Mexico as border crossings in Arizona and California start using a new digital screening program.

One man who crossed into the U-S at Nogales, Arizona, yesterday says this way is much faster. Within minutes, photos of his face and index fingers were digitally scanned into a computer. After his data was cross-checked against federal agencies' criminal databases and everything was cleared, he paid a six dollar processing fee and was on his way.

The Department of Homeland Security is spending 340 (m) million dollars on the technology, which is part of a plan to one day I-D and record every foreigner who enters and leaves the United States.

It has been in place at U-S airports and seaports for nearly a year. It will be in the country's 50 busiest land ports by the end of the month and at all 165 land border crossings by the end of next year.

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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