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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  January 18, 2005
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Red Sox World Series DVD debuted
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BOSTON (AP) -- A 93-minute DVD recapping the first Red Sox World Series win in 86 years was debuted in front of players and fans last night.

Major league baseball hosted a gala party for the release at the Wang Center, which was fitted with a movie screen to allow 37-hundred people watch the team overcome decades of frustration.

The DVD also recaps the first-round sweep of the Anaheim Angels and the unprecedented comeback against the Yankees in the American League Championship Series.

ItÔŅĹs narrated by Red Sox fan and actor Denis Leary.

Players Mike Timlin and Trot Nixon joined manager Terry Franconaand team president Larry Lucchino at the opening.


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