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Senate honors the reverse of the curse
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WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) -- More kudos for the Boston Red Sox, this time from the hallowed chamber of the U-S Senate.

Massachusetts Senators Ted Kennedy and John Kerry co-sponsored the resolution praising the Sox for reversing the so-called Curse of the Bambino and winning the World Series for the first time in 86 years.

The lengthy resolution lists 17 Sox players by name and gives detailed accounts of the key moments in the playoff series against the Yankees and the St. Louis Cardinals.

Kennedy called it a (quote) �long-awaited, long, long awaited privilege to have this opportunity on the Senate floor.�

The resolution was approved late last night. It describes the 2004 World Series Champions as a time that �epitomized sportsmanship, selfless play, team spirit, determination and heart.�


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