Kerry focuses on domestic issues this morning
SIOUX CITY, Iowa After charging that President Bush's policies in Iraq have meant "a bigger mess by the day," John Kerry is focusing today on the economic troubles of the middle class. As he has throughout the campaign, Kerry will stress that the president has failed to improve the lot of the working class.
He will reiterate that the average American family has lost money every year during the Bush administration, the first time that has happened in 70 years.
Aides see today's speech and one Friday that will blend his campaign's economic and foreign policy proposals as Kerry's "closing arguments" for change.
Kerry is also telling voters, both in English and Spanish, that he needs their help next Tuesday. New state polls suggest the race is deadlocked in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the three most important battlegrounds in the race for 270 Electoral College votes.
Kerry is heading East and will focus on those states in the final days of the campaign.
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