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AM Prep TV: Sunday, October 24
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Blackmail on Wisteria Lane.

Mrs. Huber, that nosy neighbor on A-B-C's "Desperate Housewives," is desperate for money. So, she tries blackmailing Susan about the fire that burned down Edie's house. On "Boston Public," Lori has to defend a man charged with killing a police officer. "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" is also on A-B-C tonight.

Anne Heche stars in an original movie on C-B-S about the supernatural. In "The Dead Will Tell" she has visions of the original owner of her antique engagement ring. The music of Johnny Cash fills tonight's episode of "Cold Case."

Meg on "American Dreams" on N-B-C, changes her school play and gets in trouble for it. And, crimes are solved on "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" and "Crossing Jordan."

Game two of the World Series is tonight on Fox. Boston is hosting St. Louis at Fenway Park.

As Mount St. Helens continues to spit and sputter, the Discovery Channel is airing a new special about the volcano's deadly eruption in 1980.

And, Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson find love in "Something's Gotta Give" on H-B-O.



by Rosalie Fox

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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