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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  November 23, 2004
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The ultimate survivor.

Tom Hanks goes at it alone on "Cast Away" airing tonight on A-B-C. A plane crash leaves Hanks stranded on a deserted island for more than four years. It also stars Helen Hunt.

Tom Sizemore plays Pete Rose in the E-S-P-N movie "Hustle." The drama depicts the rise and fall of Rose, whose gambling habit eventually torpedoed his career.

C-B-S has the season premiere of "48 Hours: Mystery." Two boys wrote a screenplay involving murder -- but was it fiction, or a critical clue? Before that it's "C-S-I."

A special episode reveals even more with new, bonus boardroom scenes on tonight's episode of "The Apprentice" on N-B-C. After that Dennis Farina joins the cast of "Law and Order," as the detectives probe the murder of a Gulf War veteran. Then it's "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit."

Fox has back to back episodes of "Cops," followed by "America's Most Wanted."

The erotic thriller "In The Cut," airs on Cinemax. It stars Meg Ryan and Mark Ruffalo as a New York City detective who might be trying to do her in.

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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