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Kerry: Bush living in �make-believe world� on Iraq
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- John Kerry is leveling some of his toughest blasts yet at President Bush on Iraq.

In an A-P interview, the Democrat said the president is �living in a make-believe world� by minimizing all that�s gone wrong in Iraq.

Kerry was pointing to Bush�s comment at a Pennsylvania campaign stop that the insurgents number just a �handful.� He calls that a Bush �blunder.�

Says Kerry: Bush is �unwilling to tell the American people the truth.�

Meantime, a bad chest cold and a raspy voice have forced the Democrat to cancel plans to campaign today in Ohio and Iowa.

Aides are hoping the rest�on top of a planned weekend at home in Boston�will help Kerry recover his voice in time for the first campaign debate a week from tonight.


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