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AM Prep TV: Saturday, September 18
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Here she comes -- "Miss America."

It's time again to select the next Miss America and the pageant is on A-B-C tonight. There are a few changes from previous pageants. Oh, the swimsuit event is still there. But, the talent category has been changed. Only the two finalists will compete. And, the pageant is now two hours long instead of the usual three.

N-B-C is replaying the first episode of "The Apprentice 2." The competitors have to sell ice cream. Of course, that's not as easy as it sounds. "Crossing Jordan" follows.

"Cops" and "America's Most Wanted" are on Fox.

Showtime is doing all-James Bond tonight. Halle Berry joins Pierce Brosnan in "Die Another Day." This could very well be Brosnan's final go-round as Bond. Showtime is also showing his first Bond film -- "GoldenEye" from 1995.

Nicole Kidman won her Academy Award for "The Hours" -- playing the troubled author Virginia Woolf. It's on the Sundance Channel. Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore also star.

And, the modern classic from 1987, "Dirty Dancing," is on Bravo.

by Rosalie Fox

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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