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AM Prep TV: Saturday, August 21
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A potpourri (poh-pur-REE') of Olympic sports.

N-B-C's cameras are at four different events for tonight's prime-time Olympic highlights: beach volleyball, diving, swimming and track and field.

A star from "8 Simple Rules" is now a dog. Well, Kaley Cuoco (KWOH'-koh), who plays Bridget on "Rules," is the voice of a pampered dog named Brandy on the new animated series called "Brandy and Mister Whiskers." It starts tonight on the Disney Channel. Here's the set-up: Brandy and Mister Whiskers, who's a scruffy pet rabbit, are traveling in the cargo hold of a jet plane as their human families head for vacations in Brazil. The door to the hold happens to open and the two pets land in the Amazon rainforest, where they have to start a new life.

In the animated feature, "The Road to El Dorado," Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh (BRAH'-nah) are the voices of a couple of con-men back during the days of the Spanish explorers. The music's by Elton John. "The Road to El Dorado" is on A-B-C. A couple of episodes of "Whose Line is It, Anyway?" come after the movie.

A repeat of "The Amazing Race" is followed by a new episode of "Big Brother" on C-B-S. A rerun of "Navy N-C-I-S" is also on C-B-S.

"Cops" and "America's Most Wanted" are on Fox.

by Rosalie Fox

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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