Walk Rhode Island
We all know moving our bodies can do wonders for our health. But getting ourselves moving is often a real challenge. Luckily, these walkers are taking steps in the right direction toward a healthier lifestyle. They're all participating in the Fourth Annual Walk Rhode
Island training program.
Starting in July participants began walking every Saturday. Starting out at two miles and gradually working their way up to the final walk which is 13 miles at Colt State Park in Bristol.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island www.bcbsri.com along with the department of health designed the walks in an effort to encourage people to exercise. Health and wellness director Michael Samuelson says it's an easy way to get off the couch and get moving.
The next training walk is tomorrow morning at Coventry Greenway. You can still join in before the final walk at Colt State Park on September 19th.