A video game where the mind is the most powerful weapon
Midway Games has introduced a video game that utilizes brains, as well as brawn. Spokesman Riley Brennan says "Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy" is the first game to combine the action-combat with mind control.
Brennan says the main character has had his memory erased -- and must go into his past to discover his abilities.
He says the player has telekinesis, which is the ability move objects and people with his mind. He has pyrokenisis, which is the ability to use his mind to start fires. And he has something called "remote viewing," which essentially allows him to have an out-of-body experience as he goes on his adventure.
"Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy" is available for Playstation Two and X-Box machines.
It's already in stores.
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