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AM Prep TV: Saturday, July 31
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A daredevil jump.

Evel Knievel's son, Robbie Knievel, puts on his helmet and gets on his motorcycle tonight. He'll be on the the U-S-S Intrepid aircraft carrier in New York. His plan is to jump a bunch of planes that are on the deck. This stunt comes right before the "Evel Knievel" movie. Both are on T-N-T. George Eads of "C-S-I" stars in the movie as Evel Knievel.

While Matt Damon's action movie, "The Bourne Supremacy" is in theaters now, one of his earlier films is on N-B-C tonight. It's "The Talented Mister Ripley" -- with Damon playing a dangerous young man who insinuates himself into a circle of rich Americans living in Europe in the 1950s. Jude Law was nominated for an Oscar for his role in the film. Gwyneth Paltrow also stars.

Jake Gyllenhaal (JILL'-lehn-hahl) stars in "October Sky" on A-B-C. Set in the 1950s -- at the start of the "space race" -- "October Sky" is the true story of a teen from a coal-mining town who's determined to build his own rocket.

"The Princess Diaries 2" is headed for theaters in about a week and a half. So, tonight, the Disney Channel is showing the original "Princess Diaries" movie. Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews star.

On "Missing" on Lifetime, a little boy who was thought to be dead is seen at a football game.

"Cops" and "America's Most Wanted" are on Fox.

"The Amazing Race," "Big Brother" and "Cold Case" are on C-B-S.

by Rosalie Fox

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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