Seniorcare Health Tips
1 Avoiding Falls
The simple task of removing ear wax may improve an older person's balance enough to avoid a dangerous fall. The consequences of a fall can often be serious for older people. Avoiding them begins with good balance and good eyesight, so seniors should have their hearing and vision tested regularly. Ask your physician or pharmacist about medications, which may affect your coordination. Wear low, rubber-healed shoes and limit alcohol intake. Also, because low body temperatures and low blood pressure can cause dizziness and imbalance, stay warm and get up slowly after eating or lying down.
2 Diabetes & Diet
Many seniors suffer from diabetes and healthy eating is the first step in keeping it under control. Your choice of foods can help control diabetes. Eat a wide variety of foods every day, especially those high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Use less added fat, sugar or salt. Eat fish and lean cuts of meat. Bake, broil, roast, grill or boil instead of frying. Eat the same sensible amount of food at regular times every day and don't skip meals. If you need to loose weight, it's better to cut down on portion size than to sacrifice good nutritional habits.
3 Dry Mouth
Dryness of the mouth caused by antihistamines can often be more severe in seniors but can be relieved. Dryness of the mouth caused by medications or foods may cause difficulty in swallowing, tasting or speaking and can affect oral health. Drinking plenty of flouridated tap water can increase natural saliva flow and relieve the dryness. Sugar free diet soda, flavored lozenges or sugarless chewing gum can also help. Avoid beverages with caffeine, alcohol or sugar, as well as candy and tobacco. In extreme cases, consult your dentist or doctor about saliva substitutes.
4 Heartburn
Many seniors are particularly susceptible to heartburn, a condition that can be prevented by sensible eating. Heartburn results from the backup of acids from the stomach and is often caused by spicy or fatty foods, over exercise, anxiety or stress, and eating large quantities of food just before bedtime. Always give your body time to digest a meal before lying down. If you feel discomfort, try not to toss and turn, it will only worsen the problem. And lie on your left side to take advantage of the stomach's natural shape to prevent gravity from spilling acid out.
5 Avoid Falls
Each year, about one-third of all persons over age 65 experience a fall, usually at home and usually preventable. Making your home "fall safe" is easy. In bathrooms, install grab bars, non-skid mats and hand-held showerheads so you can bathe while sitting. Store everyday kitchen items within easy reach to avoid and clear pathways of clutter and stray electrical cords. Arrange furniture so it doesn't create an obstacle and choose seating that's easy to get out of. Cover slippery floor surfaces with firmly anchored carpets or mats. And, most importantly, install sturdy handrails and good lighting on stairs.
6 Shoveling Snow
While exercise is good for older adults, the wrong kind, like snow shoveling, can be very dangerous. Lifting heavy wet snow can be extremely hazardous. If you're over 55, inactive, overweight, smoke or have a history of heart disease in your family, get someone else to do your shoveling. If you must shovel, never do it after a large meal, smoking or drinking alcohol. And, whenever possible, push or sweep snow rather than lifting it. Dress warmly, in layers, and wear a hat to conserve body heat. Seniors do not tolerate cold temperatures as well as young people.
7 Regular Exercise
Regular exercise, even just a little, is highly recommended for older adults. Regular exercise promotes strong bones, joint flexibility and strength. But many seniors fail to include exercise in their daily routine. Statistics prove the more active you are, the less likely you are to fall and suffer a serious fracture. Get in the good habit of exercising, in some form, every day. And you don't need expensive equipment. Walking, stretching, and even simple leg lifts from a chair can keep you more flexible, more fit and better able to enjoy life on your terms.
8 Sense Of Taste
As they age, some seniors experience a fading sense of taste. But you can do something about it. An increased desire for more spices or condiments is often a telltale sign of a fading sense of taste. Compensating by over-seasoning or over-salting can lead to other problems such as indigestion or high blood pressure. However, there is a natural remedy to reverse the natural fading of taste buds. They can be revived by simply adding zinc to your diet. Natural zinc sources include oysters, red meat (especially liver), wheat germ, nuts and cheese, to name a few.
9 Storing Medications
Medications will last longer in a cool, dry place. But is that where you keep them?
In most households, medications are stored in the bathroom medicine cabinet. But bathrooms are warm and humid. Aspirin, nitroglycerin tablets and other medications important to seniors deteriorate quickly in such an environment. Refrigerators can be used for some medicines but most need only a cool, dry place. Remember, also, to keep medicines in their original containers
so you always know what they are and the proper dosage.
10 Allergies
Many allergies present themselves later on in life - when you least expect them.
Oftentimes, seniors develop a high sensitivity and allergic reaction to a substance he or she had no problem with in the past. The most common of these are allergic reactions to soaps, fragrances, and fabrics, which cause allergic exczema; sensitivity to certain drugs, which can cause hives; and allergic reactions to foods. Treatments include avoiding the allergen, antihistamines and topical creams.
11 Outdoor Exercise
Older adults who live in the city and exercise outdoors should do so in the morning.
Regular exercise, even just a little, is highly recommended for seniors. But exercising outdoors in highly populated, heavily-trafficed areas, exposes you to large quantities of airborne pollutants and puts you at some risk. To lessen this problem, do your outdoor exercising, walking or jogging in the early morning when traffic is lighter and the sun weaker. Breathe through your nose to cut down on pollutants entering your lungs. And exercise indoors whenever there's an air pollution alert.
12 Feet
In the course of a lifetime, your feet bear the weight equal to several million tons.
It's little wonder that after long years of wear and tear, many seniors suffer with foot problems. Many common foot problems among older adults result from ill-fitting or poorly designed shoes, poor circulation, or even toenails that are not properly trimmed. Pamper your feet. Have them checked regularly. Foot examinations play a key role in the early diagnosis of many illnesses, including diabetes.
13 Osteoporosis
For seniors suffering from osteoporosis, even the most basic daily activities can pose a risk.
Simple twisting and bending can lead to stress fractures of the spine among fragile seniors with osteoporosis. To avoid this in bed, use pillows or towel rolls to keep the spine in normal alignment. When dressing, bend from the hips, not the waist - for example, socks and shoes should be put on from a sitting position. Wear shoes with broad heels and flexible soles. And use straight back chairs with your feet planted flat on the floor.
14 Height Loss
Older people decrease in height as they age, partly because they don't have enough calcium in their
diet. Bones and teeth need calcium each day to protect them from becoming weak and to ward off osteoporosis, especially in women. While the best source of calcium are dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, foods like leafy green vegetables, including kale and broccoli, and canned fish, such as sardines and salmon, are healthy alternatives. If you're not getting enough calcium in your diet, ask a registered dietician or doctor about calcium supplements.
15 Immunizations
Immunizations, or "shots", are not just for kids, especially when it comes to guarding against pneumonia. Some immunizations are more important for older adults than for children. The elderly are highly encouraged to be immunized against the flu and most heed that advice for an annual flu shot. But few take the action to be immunized against pneumonia, which can be even more serious. The vaccine needs to be taken only once and also guards against other diseases, like meningitis. In fact, it can be given at the same time as your flu shot. Ask your doctor.
16Simple Falls
A fall can be serious for an older person. So, if you do fall, there are some things you should know.
The consequences of a broken shoulder or hip can be very serious for seniors. So, if you find yourself falling, drop whatever youÔŅĹre carrying to free your hands and break your fall. If you think something is broken, donÔŅĹt move or let others move you until you get medical assistance. If youÔŅĹre not seriously injured, try to get up on a chair. Lying on the floor for long periods after a fall can be harmful. Avoid putting weight on any injured area and apply ice immediately for minor bruises.
17 Mammograms
The older a woman gets, the more she needs an annual mammogram. Over three-fourths of the breast cancers diagnosed each year occur in women over the age of 50. And the risk increases with age. While the risk is greater if there is a family history of breast cancer, most woman diagnosed have no history of it in their family. Give yourself the peace of mind of knowing you donÔŅĹt have breast cancer. Early detection can save your life. If youÔŅĹre over 50, have a mammogram this year and every year.
18 Dry Skin
As we age, our skin becomes drier - especially in a cold, windy climate like New EnglandÔŅĹs.
The flaking and itchiness associated with normally developed dry skin can be treated with moisturizers applied after bathing, while the skin is still damp. Bath oils, which have a limited effect, should also be applied after bathing and never to the bath water since the tub can become dangerously slippery. Excessive bathing, hot water and harsh soaps can contribute to dry skin.
19 Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are common in older adults, but rarely dangerous. Varicose veins naturally develop with age in some individuals. For many, they are more a cosmetic concern than a medical one. They form when blood, returning to the heart against gravity, flows back into the veins causing them to enlarge. The symptoms of varicose veins can be eased by avoiding standing for long periods and by keeping feet elevated when sitting or lying down. Support hose can also inhibit their development and provide relief.
20 Prepared for Hot Weather
For seniors, medications and medical problems can heighten the dangers of hot weather.
The older we get, the more susceptible we become to the dangerous effects of hot weather. Medications can increase your vulnerability in the heat, so always check with your physician or pharmacist. Your chances of getting ill in hot weather are also increased by problems with circulation, hypertension, diabetes, alcoholic beverages, and being overweight, to name a few. So slow down, stay cool and stay put when the mercury rises.
21 Heatstroke
Hot weather can place a dangerous strain on your heart, especially if youÔŅĹre elderly.
Getting caught in hot weather can pose a special risk for older adults. Your body needs time to adjust to hot weather, so the risk is greater when a sudden increase occurs. The best way to avoid heatstroke is to keep cool. Use air conditioning if you have it. Take cool baths or showers. Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose fitting clothing. Drink plenty of fluids. Water and fruit beverages are best. Avoid caffeine, hot foods and heavy meals.
22 Booster Shots
Many seniors enjoy outdoor gardening and recreation, but itÔŅĹs important to avoid cuts and scrapes.
Most people have been immunized against tetanus, sometimes called lockjaw. But a booster shot is needed every ten years to keep you protected. This is especially true for seniors. If you havenÔŅĹt previously done so, itÔŅĹs important to get a booster shot if you suffer a severe cut or puncture wound. In most cases, the tetanus shot will include a vaccine, which will also immunize you against diphtheria for ten years.
23 Diving Safely
Natural physical changes from normal aging can affect your ability to drive safely. Drivers over age 65 have more accidents per mile than any other age group except teenagers. 95% of the cues we get while driving come from sight. Slower focusing, poor vision in dim or bright light, and reduced peripheral vision are all age-related changes that donÔŅĹt always show up on eye exams. Recognize your limits and make adjustments. Keep your eyeglasses, windows and mirrors clean. Avoid driving at night or when visibility is poor. And have your vision checked yearly.
24 Slower Reflexes
As we age, our reflexes slow down, sometimes making ordinary driving situations dangerous.
Older adults have slower reflexes than young people. And by age 65, hearing loss occurs in nearly 40% of us. The ability to hear high-pitched sounds goes first, making sirens difficult to hear and react to. Compensate by anticipating. Give yourself time to react. Begin by making extra room behind the car in front of you. And watch the entire road, from the front of your car to 12 seconds ahead of you. ThatÔŅĹs about one block at 30 miles an hour.
25 Reduced Strength
As we age, our loss of muscle strength and flexibility can affect our ability to drive safely.
The stiff joints and weak muscles that develop with age make turning the wheel of a car or turning to see behind you very difficult. You can prolong endurance, strength and flexibility with regular exercise. Larger side view mirrors and power steering will help you avoid swinging wide on turns. Stop often to rest on long trips,. And remember, your tolerance to alcohol decreases with age and side effects to medications can seriously impair your ability to drive.
26 Influenza
The flu is not just a runny nose or upset stomach. ItÔŅĹs is a serious illness, especially for the elderly.
Because it can easily lead to pneumonia among the elderly, itÔŅĹs important that everyone over 65 be immunized against influenza, commonly called the flu. You need a flu shot every year, because the virus that causes it changes from year to year. The best time is in the fall, before the start of flu season. Getting the flu shot is easy and, in most cases, covered by Medicare. HMO members may be required to get their flu shot from their HMO, so ask first.
27 Preventive Dental Care
Too often, older people feel they no longer need regular dental checkups. A healthy smile is a bonus at any age. But, because the idea of preventive dental care only dates back to the 1950's, many people over age 65 did not grow up with the idea of preventive dental care. If you havenÔŅĹt learned the basics of good oral health, itÔŅĹs never too late to learn. Tooth decay can continue as long as there are natural teeth in the mouth. ThatÔŅĹs why, itÔŅĹs still important to get regular dental exams and brush and floss daily to guard against tooth decay and gum disease.
28 Holding A Toothbrush
If arthritis makes it difficult to hold a toothbrush, there are ways to overcome the problem.
Some seniors who suffer from arthritis or other condition which limits motion often find it difficult to hold a toothbrush. To overcome this, the toothbrush handle can be attached to the hand with a wide elastic band or enlarged by attaching a sponge to make it easier to grasp. Those with limited shoulder movement might find brushing easier with a handle lengthened by a piece of wood or plastic. Electric toothbrushes are also helpful for those with limited upper body strength.
29 Dentures
Dentures tend to make the mouth less sensitive, so be careful when learning to eat with them.
New dentures, partial or full, will seem awkward at first. They also tend to make the mouth less sensitive to hot foods and less able to detect harmful objects such as bones. When learning to eat with them, select soft, non-sticky foods cut into small pieces, chewing on both sides of your mouth. In time, dentures will need to be replaced or readjusted to the changes in your mouth. Poorly fit dentures can ultimately affect your overall nutrition, so be sure to have a dental exam on a regular basis.
30 Hearing Loss
Aging, combined with years of noise exposure, will result in a gradual hearing loss for many seniors. While hearing loss among seniors is natural, itÔŅĹs usually gradual. Normally, high-pitched sounds are the first that become difficult to hear. Sudden hearing loss, however, is not normal and demands immediate attention since it may be treatable. Whether itÔŅĹs surgery, medication, therapy or the application of a hearing aide, early detection will assure you receive the maximum benefit of any prescribed treatment. So, have your hearing checked regularly.
31 Vitamins
The chemical needs of an older adult are much different than those of a young person.
When taking vitamins as a dietary supplement, itÔŅĹs important to take dosages that do not exceed 100% of your daily recommended allowance. The chemical needs of an older adult are far different than those of an athlete in training. Too much of a vitamin supplement can actually be toxic to the system of an elderly individual. Consult your physician or pharmacist about which vitamin supplement and dosages are right for you.
32 Aging and Drugs
Medications taken by seniors often act differently from the way they do in younger people.
Normal age-related changes of the body, such as loss of lean muscle tissue, lower metabolism, or reduced kidney function, can influence how well a medication works. Take the responsibility to know how and when to take medications. Ask your physician or pharmacist which side effects to report back on and which to safely ignore. If the side effects are worse than the condition youÔŅĹre being treated for, donÔŅĹt be afraid to ask about alternatives.
33 Poly-pharmacy
The older we become, the more likely we are to be taking several medications at the same time.
The effects of age or illness can sometimes cloud the memory. ThatÔŅĹs why itÔŅĹs important for seniors to develop a system of taking and tracking medications to ensure their proper use and prevent harmful interactions. To reduce the potential hazard of multiple medicine use, ask your physician or pharmacist to review all your prescription and over-the-counter medications with you. And, if possible, designate one doctor to oversee them and one pharmacy to fill them.
34 Stopping Medications
ItÔŅĹs important to always check with your physician before stopping a medication. Harmful effects can sometimes result from abruptly ending a medication regimen.You may need to be weaned off a particular drug. Always finish the entire prescription unless otherwise specified by your doctor. ItÔŅĹs especially important to complete a series of antibiotics even if you feel better after a few days. If the prescription is not finished, the bacteria may not be completely killed and could re-grow, sometimes worse than ever.
35 Denture Adjustments
In time, dentures will need to be replaced or readjusted to the changes in your mouth. Weight loss, bone loss, or simple wear and tear will eventually cause dentures to loosen. Poorly fit dentures can adversely effect nutrition and speech and can injure the tissues of the mouth. So, itÔŅĹs important to have them checked regularly for adjustment or replacement. Removing dentures at night not only allows you to cleanse them in a soaking solution while you sleep, but also allows the tissues of the mouth to relax, which reduces the rate of any bone loss.
36 Borrowing Medications
ItÔŅĹs important never to take another personÔŅĹs prescription, even if youÔŅĹre certain it will help you.
ItÔŅĹs dangerous to borrow or share medications with others. Medications are prescribed with a knowledge of your personal medical history, allergies and other medications you may be taking. Your doctor prescribes medications that will interact properly with one another. Oftentimes, seniors are prescribed several medications to be taken in combination to treat unique medical conditions that are typically not the same as others.
37 New Medication Samples
When starting a new medication, which many seniors are often doing, ask your doctor for samples.
It helps to be cost conscious if youÔŅĹre living on a fixed income, as many seniors are. When starting a new medication, thereÔŅĹs no harm in asking your physician for samples. In fact, there can be great benefit to you. If youÔŅĹre going to have a problem with the particular medication, which can sometimes happen, itÔŅĹs better that you know before filling the entire prescription, which may be very expensive and, of course, not returnable.
38 Dehydration
Since seniors are particularly susceptible to dehydration, itÔŅĹs important they drink plenty of fluids
Dehydration is especially dangerous to the elderly, often requiring hospitalization. A decrease in fluid intake and an increase in fluid loss put the elderly at higher risk than younger people. Fever, weight loss, failing to eat or drink, and diminishing mental abilities can all trigger dehydration, which is difficult to diagnose. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water and fruit juices, can play a key role in prevention.
39 Check Over-the-Counter Medications
Just because a medication can be purchased without a prescription doesnÔŅĹt guarantee its safety.
When purchasing over-the-counter drugs, always check the labels for possible adverse reactions with your prescribed medications. This is particularly true of drugs taken for high blood pressure, a common condition with many seniors. Look in your medicine cabinet and check all your non-prescription medications. Discard those whose expiration date has passed and double-check that the others do not conflict with medications youÔŅĹve since been prescribed.
40 Socialization
As we age, our social network changes dramatically. One of the great threats to an older personÔŅĹs happiness is lonliness resulting from loss of family or a move away from friends. One of the ways you can cope is to stay active and try new things. Find new ways to participate in the community: explore a museum, go to a concert, join a walking club. Such activities provide opportunities to share life experiences, learn new things, make new friends and continue a full and meaningful life in the company of others.
41 Wrinkles
As we age, our skin undergoes many changes; some are natural while others can be prevented.
As skin ages, it looses elasticity and becomes wrinkled. How wrinkled depends largely on how much sun youÔŅĹve been exposed to. The tendency to wrinkle is also inherited. Some wrinkles can be prevented. To avoid those caused by the sun, always wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more, a hat with a brim and protective clothing when in the sun. So-called miracle creams may make your skin look better but cannot prevent or reverse wrinkling.
42 Dry Skin
As we age, our skin becomes drier and more susceptible to flaking, but there are remedies.
As we age, our skin becomes drier, often resulting in flaky, itchy skin, especially in cold, windy climates like ours. Milder cases of dry skin can be treated with a moisturizer used after bathing, while the skin is still damp, to seal in moisture. Bath oils should also be applied after bathing and never to the bath water since the tub can become dangerously slippery. Mild soap and an occasional soak in warm, soap-less water can also relieve dry skin.
43 Varicose Veins
While varicose veins can afflict almost anyone, they are most common in older individuals
Varicose veins usually develop in the legs as a result of occupations requiring long periods of standing. Veins become swollen when blood returning to the heart against gravity flows back into the veins through a faulty valve. Symptoms can be eased by avoiding prolonged standing or sitting, or crossing the legs at the knees. ItÔŅĹs also helpful to keep feet elevated whenever possible, walk regularly to promote circulation, and wear support hose.
44 Liver Spots
As we age, itÔŅĹs common for many older adults to develop what are known as ÔŅĹageÔŅĹ or ÔŅĹliver spotsÔŅĹ
As we age, our skin becomes more fragile and tends to heal more slowly. We also develop skin growths such as so-called ÔŅĹageÔŅĹ or ÔŅĹliverÔŅĹ spots, which have nothing to do with the liver. These small, flat, brown spots are caused by the sun and usually appear on the face, hands, back and feet. While generally harmless, large flat irregular dark areas may not be and should be evaluated by a physician as a precaution against something more serious.
45 Pneumonia
ItÔŅĹs important that everyone age 65 or older be vaccinated against pneumonia. People over age 65 are two to three times more likely than other groups to contract pneumonia, especially seniors with a chronic disease, diabetes or weak immune system. ItÔŅĹs important that everyone over age 65 be vaccinated. The pneumonia vaccine is safe and it can be a lifesaver. One shot lasts most people a lifetime and the cost is covered by Medicare. So, ask your doctor.
46 Coughing & Sneezing
Seniors should take precautions against getting or spreading a cold since they are particularly susceptible to them. Germs that cause colds are typically spread through the air. Cover your mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing and never use a handkerchief, which will hold the virus. Wash your hands frequently, drink plenty of fluids and remember, over-the-counter cold remedies are not for everyone. Seniors with hypertension, glaucoma or diabetes should check with their physician before using such products.
47 Eating Well
As we age, our metabolism slows and we donÔŅĹt need quite as many calories as in our youth.
As we age, our need for calories typically diminishes. ThatÔŅĹs why itÔŅĹs especially important to strive for a nutritious, well-balanced diet beginning with plenty of grains, fruits and vegetables. If youÔŅĹre a beef eater, cut down on portion size to cut down on saturated fat. Try substituting lean cuts of chicken, turkey or fish. Diet plus exercise will not only reduce your cholesterol level and blood pressure, but also your risk of heart attack.
48 Mental Attitude
Your mental attitude and your emotions can make you sick or keep you strong. A healthy attitude is like a garden. You plant it, nurture it and cultivate it. It takes a little work,, but the fruits of the labor make it wo, rthwhile. Most happy people are busy people who feel p, ro, ductive when sharing their skills or knowledge or engaging in satisfying, personal, creative activity. Together with a strong connection to family and friends, a good attitude is one of the secrets of happy, healthy aging.
49 Arthritis
More than half of all people aged 65 or older have some form of arthritis. There are two main types of arthritis, degenerative, which is by far the most common, and rheumatoid. Both most often affect the fingers, knees and hips. The best ways to prevent arthritis or its advances is to stay active and maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise helps keep the joints flexible. Walking or swimming are excellent for seniors coping with arthritis. And aspirin together with exercise can help reduce the pain and swelling.
50 Memory Changes
DonÔŅĹt think you have AlzheimerÔŅĹs Disease every time you lose your keys or miss an appointment
Memory loss is not an inevitable part of aging, though some memory changes can be considered normal. They include a decrease in oneÔŅĹs speed of recall, a need for memory cues, and forgetfullness caused by difficulty in concentrating. To help prevent such memory losses, reduce noises and distractions, focus more, set up a system for keeping track of important items, eat a balanced diet and be aware of possible drug side effects.
51 Healthy Holiday Meals
Holiday meals are fun and important family occasions, but they present a healthy challenge.
During this season of plenty, many people gain unwanted pounds, especially those prone to weight gain, like some seniors. As host or hostess of a holiday meal, you can make a big contribution to the health of family and friends by starting a new tradition of lower-fat, lower-calorie foods along with the favorites everyone expects. And, since exercise is critical for weight control, encourage a leisurely walk before or after the meal instead of sitting or napping.
52 Maintaining Weight
Many seniors become increasingly frail as they age, a condition, which may be prevented or reversed. Frailty among seniors is not inevitable. Many times, it can be prevented and even reversed. An adequate, nourishing diet and regular exercise are the cornerstones for healthy mature years. If youÔŅĹre below a healthful weight, choose foods from among all the major food groups every day. Get help with shopping or cooking if you need it. Instead of large meals, try more fre, quent smaller meals. And try eating with others since socializing can make the experience more enjoyable.
53 Food Safety
During the holidays, be sure that old recipes and cooking traditions meet with todayÔŅĹs food safety practices. Unlike younger age groups, seniors have less tolerance to the dangers of bacteria found in raw and undercooked eggs. Many seniors still prepare recipes handed down through generations. Some old recipes, including eggnogs, may suggest allowing eggs to reach room temperature before their use. This can be dangerous, since bacteria grow rapidly at room temperature. And always remember, if you are ill, have others prepare the holiday meal.
54 Healthy Weight Maintenance
For overweight seniors, gradual dietary changes are easier than trying to change everything at once. Many seniors struggle with unwanted weight gain or loss. Sometimes itÔŅĹs easier to get it under control with gradual rather than drastic measures. Start by determining the personal weight range that fits you. Weigh yourself once every week or two rather than every day. Only when, you reach either end of your range do you need to modify your routine. Start gradually with one or two simple diet changes...and exercise. Start with a light routine and advance slowly.
55 Storing Perishable Food
Seniors living on fixed incomes are thrifty, but when it comes to saving food, th, ink safety first.
The thrift habits of many seniors is a direct reflection of the economic times in which they were raised. But, when it comes to saving food, itÔŅĹs best to think safety first. Always follow the recommendations for storage times and temperatures on the foods you buy. The ÔŅĹsell datesÔŅĹ on dairy products allow a reasonable time after that date to use the product, provided you keep it cold. Leftover cooked meals should be refrigerated immediately after a meal. And never refreeze foods that have thawed.
56 Winter Exercising
Keeping fit in winter is a challenge for seniors, but it can be fun and help you beat the winter blues. Staying active and keeping fit over the winter can be a chore. Make it fun and interesting by matching up an exercise with an activity you like or might ordinarily do anyway. Like dancing or swimming. Both are good for your health and your social life. Escape winter doldrums by traveling along with scenic videos made especially for your stationary bike? And when you combine exercise with window shopping, you may discover the faster you walk through the mall the more money you save.
57 Winter Driving
As we age, our reflexes slow down, making winter driving situations a special concern for seniors
Older adults have slower reflexes than young people. Combined with other normal age-related changes such as natural hearing loss, slower focusing, and reduced peripheral vision, driving in snowy, icy conditions can pose special concerns for seniors. Recognize your limits and prepare. Common sense and a car with good snow tires, wiper blades, heater and battery, along with a full tank of gas are your best defense when you just canÔŅĹt avoid getting behind the wheel.
58 Prepare for Winter
To insure the wellbeing of seniors in winter, be sure they are well stocked and snow is promptly cleared from their home. It doesnÔŅĹt take a major blizzard to put some seniors at risk in winter. If you havenÔŅĹt already done so, make arrangements for someone to shovel or plow snow. Accumulated snow or ice on walkways can impair evacuation in an emergency and cause falls, which are especially dangerous to seniors. Be sure they are always well stocked with food and important medications. And regular calls or visits can help insure heating systems are functioning and all is well.