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Governor says report highlight deficiencies; state needs to improve
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Providence-AP -- Governor Carcieri is responding to a new report analyzing the state's response to The Station fire.

He says the report by Titan Corporation highlights deficiencies in the emergency management system. He says his goal is to (quote) "plug those holes and get us up to standard."

The report faulted the state's communication system and says the state's emergency management plan is out of date.

Carcieri has forwarded the report to the agencies affected by the findings and has instructed them to respond within 30 days with a plan for implementing the recommendations suggested in the report.

He also wants to know the implication the changes will have.

One hundred people were killed and another 200 injured in the February 20th, 2003 fire.

Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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