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Acupuncture For Allergies
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Center For Preventive Medicine

It could be needles like these that give allergy sufferers the relief they've been craving.

Acupuncture patient Shirley Andreozzi says, "I was sneezing a lot.  My eyes were watery, my nose was runny."

Acupuncture patient Antigone Howlett says, "I'm just allergic to everything. Animals, every single pollen you could ever think of, dust, all of it."

Their complaints are all too common, but what they're doing about is not necessarily conventional.

Shirley says, "I wanted to stop taking the daily pill that the doctor had prescribed me."

Anitgone says, "When I was pregnany with my daughter Athena, I didn't want to take in anything I didn't have to take in."

Acupuncturists here at the Center for Preventive Medicine in East Providence are helping their patients forgo prescription pills. Using tiny needles, Dr. Timothy Armstrong stimulates specific points in the back and even in the face but experts here say this is more than just a quick fix.

Medical director of the Center for Preventive Medicine Dr. Tadeusz Sztykowski says, "Treatment of allergies is not simply the treatment of the sneezing, the runny nose. It often takes a complete detoxification of the body and putting people back on their feet. Our treatments are geared to improve the problem, not just the symptoms."

The patients say it works.

Shirley says, "The sneezing is absolutely gone. I don't sneeze anymore."

Antigone is also pleased, "This is more like my whole body is under control."

The Center For Preventive Medicine holds weekly workshops on the benefits of acupuncture for allergies.  The workshops are every Wednesday at 6:30 at 312 Waterman Avenue, East Providence.  Call for more information: (401)434-3550

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