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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  December 26, 2004
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What is killing your pet?
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We have a warning tonight about a medication given to some pets. It could actually be a hazard to your dog's health. Pamela Watts has a look at what could be "killing your pet".

The very medication that's supposed to be protecting your puppydogs, may be putting them on death row. This is information you'll want to know before you take your pet to the vet.

Joann Plummer treats her dog like one of the family. So she immediately knew something was wrong with 13-year old April.

�She couldn't stand up anymore,couldn't eat, her mouth was full of blisters her hair was falling out.�

It all started after April got a shot of the heartworm medication, "Pro-Heart-6". Three weeks later, April had to be put to sleep.

"We were desvastated by April because she was my baby".

Within a few weeks, Joann's other dog, 10-year old Cugi, was also treated with "Pro-Heart-6" and got very sick. Cugi died three months after getting her shot.

"She had compete kidney failure too".

These are not isolated cases. In the past 2-and-a-half years, the FDA has received more than 4-thousand reports of dogs becoming sick after a shot of Pro-Heart-6. More than 400 of those dogs have died nationwide. The FDA has twice asked the company to change its labeling- to warn that there have been rare reports of death.

Veterinarian Bob Rogers says he doesn't understand why the FDA has not pulled Pro-Heart-6 off the market.

"I have seen veterinary drugs taken off the market when there were less deaths than this".

The makers of Pro-Heart six state that it's been proven safe. The company also says: "Millions of dogs have benefitted from the heartworm protection provided by Pro-Heart 6."

Donna Sadowsky isn't buying it. Her 11-year old dog Sammy went blind after a dose of Pro-Heart 6.

 ï¿½I wonder how many animals will haveto be put to sleep, have life- or threatening problems, before soemone stops this medication from being given.�

The FDA says it has been able to link the drug to a small number of cases- and even that is cause for concern, so the agency is now conducting an investigation.

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