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DDS System Helps People Lose Weight
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DDS System
Drs. Steven Saccoccio, Stephen Puerini, Stephen Puerini, Jr.

The look of this new weight loss device may bring back teenaged memories of braces and retainers. But the DDS System is a sophisticated oral device that could help you eat slower and eat less.

"We're eating much too quickly," says Cranston dentist Steven Saccoccio.  He isn't a weight loss expert, just a general observer of our American culture.  "We don't have that much time. People eat on the go."  That's why he and fellow dentists, Stephen Puerini, and Stephen Puerini, Jr. are offering the DDS System to their patients.

Dr. Stephen Puerini, Jr. says, "It's basically training you on how to modify your fast eating."

For years, diet experts have informed people of the benefits of slower eating. Slower eating gives the brain time to signal when the body has taken in enough food, giving you that feeling of being "full".  The DDS device is placed on the roof of the mouth closing down the space in the mouth, forcing people to take smaller bites and, in effect, eat slower.  DDS user Kelly Lodish says it's helped her realize her affinity for large portions, "It made me realize, boy I only ate that much and I'm full.  Boy, do I overeat, that's what it showed me.  I'd fix a normal plate, normal portions that I had eaten before and I'd get halfway through the meal and I felt full."

Patients interested in the DDS System must undergo a dental and health screening.  Then the dentist will make a mold of the patient's upper teeth. The device can be put in and removed before and after meals. The company that developed the device says studies show it usually takes people two to three months to change their eating behavior.  It's a change Dr. Saccoccio says will benefit people for a long time,. "It's not a diet system. It's just changing the way people function, it's changing the way we eat."

The device costs about $400 and is available to people 18 and older.  To contact Drs.  Stephen Puerini, Stephen Puerini, Jr. or Steven Soccoccio... click here.

For more information about the DDS System you can call 1-866-HOW2EAT or click here.

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