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Household Dilemma of the Month: April
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Can you help us to solve this fellow viewers household dilemma?

If you have suggestions, please reply below. We'll pick a select number of replies to post and one of them may be yours!

This month's dilemma: Any suggestions on how to remove pet hair from furniture. Any idea how to keep it from clinging to furniture so bad? Asked by Maxine from MO.


For a quick fix for company, I use one of those "Rubber Grippers", (the kind that you use to remove lids from jars).  A couple of swipes and the static makes the hair stick to the Gripper! Dawn Ayler, IN

We use fake fur throws on the furniture, just shake them out.  If you can't beat 'em join em...the pups love to cuddle on the faux fur too. Margaret Solomon

We always get one of those really stiff bristled hairbrushes (not wired) and brush the furniture with it. Then we spray with static guard to help keep it from clinging. Sara, Mo.

I keep a box of latex surgical gloves on hand, that I purchased specifically for this chore. I vacuum the furniture first, then, with the glove on, run my hand over the furniture, pulling it forward. The pet hair comes with it, and can easily be vacuumed up from there. Jeannie P., IN

Tape is a great way to remove pet hair. Wrap any kind of tape around your open hand a few times with the sticky side facing out and then pat your hand on the piece of furniture to pick up the stray hairs. Sarah Cohen, MI

Fed Ex packaging is a secret trick of mine. All you need is the little plastic label holder that sticks on the outside of the envelope. Stick your hand in it like itÔŅĹs a mitten, remove the sticky tape protector, and press your hand against the hairs. This is also a good way to get lint and hair off of clothing! Jennifer Smith, MA

We use a damp sponge (the big square kind), just wipe it along the furniture and the hairs come off! Paula Hernandez, IN

Lightly wet a strong paper towel and wring out and wipe over area. Suzanne Schrecker

I have tried many things, but the lint brush that comes on a roller that has sticky tape is the easiest to use Just roll it over area and peel off used tape when full. Nina Mahurin, KY

I have tried tape and lint brushes, but the very best thing is a pair of cleaning gloves. The long yellow dishwashing gloves. Just put them on and rub across furniture with quick short strokes and it is amazing how the hair comes up. Paula Zapp, IN

To remove pet hair from furniture, I use an old sport sock turned inside out, and lightly dampened. The pile on the inside of the sock catches the hair and removes it. Rinse in a bucket of plain, warm water every few swipes as needed. L. W. Eldon, IO

Try baby wipes. Kim, TX

Rub the hair with the bottom of a rubber sole shoe such as a house, tennis or flip flop. The hair rolls right up! Teresa Morgan, TX

This idea may not appeal to all, but if you dampen your hand you can run it over the seat and into the corners. The hair scoops up into a ball and is easy to retrieve. Alice, LA

Use damp cloth pull hair toward u, pick it up, it will just roll right up. Spray with Static Guard, makes next clean up easier! Mary Ann Lueker, IL

Try using a dryer sheet to remove the pet hair. The sheet has an anti static quality that may help stop the hair from clinging to the furniture. Fran, GA

Use a "static type sweeper" (Swiffer) to get pet hair from the edge of your carpet where it meets the wall and in the creases of your furniture. Run it back and forth quickly, and it will ball the hair up for you. Selena M., AL

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