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Families frustrated by slow court, lawyers ready to start cases
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( Providence, R.I.-AP) -- Litigation stemming from The Station nightclub fire wonÔŅĹt get under way until at least SeptemberÔŅĹa fact that is frustrating to some.

Fire survivors and victimsÔŅĹ families say itÔŅĹs already been more than a year since the blaze that killed 100 people. They want the lawsuits to move forward.

The cases have been on hold since August. A federal judge decided yesterday that the cases will be heard in federal court. He also gave attorneys until September First to begin sharing evidence.

Legal experts recognize the frustrations, but they say in cases this big, itÔŅĹs not unusual for the judicial process to take its time.

They say with so much evidence and so many witnesses, it may be several years before the cases are settled.

Less than a dozen civil suits have been filed. More are expected in coming months.


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