Spend a Night In
Going out can become expensive and tiring, so isn't there a way to spend time together at home? With a little creativity and a lot of fun, you and your mate can find ways to make the most of your own home!
Rent themed movies. Decide on a theme - Julia Roberts, cars, Chicago, the Mob - and then rent a few movies that have to do with the theme. Grab some popcorn and watch! It may also be fun to compare the films afterward!
Set up a scavenger hunt. Using clues around your house, set up a scavenger hunt for your honey with a special gift as the end reward. Make it fun and challenging, but be there to help in the even things get a little tricky. Then celebrate your sweetie�s success together with a bottle of champagne!
Massage. Put on some soothing music and open a bottle of wine and alternate giving each other massages. Also, spend this time telling each other what you love most about the relationship. You will be giving love and relaxation to each other! What great gifts!
Drinks. Get a bartending book and pick three cocktails to try. Make them together and have a taste test. Save the best recipes for the next tie you have a party!
Board game. Grab a board game two can play and have fun - Monopoly, Scrabble, and Trivial Pursuit are all good choices. Or do a puzzle together. You will be interacting and talking, plus there will be some healthy competition to keep things exciting!