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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | Personals | Yellow Pages  December 24, 2003
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After complaints, Dell to stop sending corporate tech support calls to India
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Austin, Texas-AP -- After an onslaught of complaints, computer giant Dell says it has stopped using a technical support center in India to handle trouble calls from corporate customers.

Customers complained that Indian technical support workers are hard to understand because of thick accents and scripted responses.

Dell is one of a number of companies that has shipped tech-support jobs to India, but it says business customers will now be routed to workers in the U-S.

But people with home P-C's will still be sent to Indian tech support representatives.

One customer who's complained is Ronald Kronk, a Presbyterian minister in Pennsylvania, who said the Indian workers were polite, but couldn't solve problems. He says he cringes whenever he sees a Dell commercial on T-V.

Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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